Tuesday 25 October 2011

A Beautiful Gift

I have always had an interest in photography and a lot room for improvement. I have mostly borrowed my mother’s camera to take photos of bits and pieces.

Let’s go back a step and develop some context. My parents own two properties one which they have had for 25 years which is where we have grown up and still growing! Three years ago they brought another one 16kms away from our family home from my grandparents (Dad’s parents). There is a nice house there. The property is watered by bore water which requires constant monitoring of tanks and troughs etc and there is always stock down there.

We have a lovely couple who has lived there for most of those three years and they have really become part of the family. Also the first people to sign up to my blog, they are such treasures! Anyway the male member of the couple team is a wonderful photographer (check him out here on Flickr). As he has developed his skills and takes more and more amazing photographs he has brought himself new cameras.  He let me borrow one from time to time which was always very exciting!

One of their cameras they longer use and they decided that they would like to give it to me. I was so honoured that they would just give me such a beautiful (Canon 30D) camera. So I try to take it most places with me and will be learning lots as I am currently a pointer and shooter. I plan to do a TAFE course next year to have a little idea about what I am doing.

Around the same time that they told me about the camera it had crossed my mind that in 4 years time after finishing uni I might be able to save enough money to buy myself a nice camera but I am just a bit too blessed for that. I have had my camera now for 1 month, we are getting on quite well and I am eternally grateful for it.

I will try and share some photos with you as I blog but be warned so much room for improvement!

I hope that you are having a very picturesque day,

PP x

1 comment:

  1. I don't claim to be a photographer at all, but I do enjoy participating in a weekly Meme hosted by another Aussie Blogger (Tracy at Hey Harriet).

    I always enjoy seeing photos taken by others, especially those that participate in Tracy's Sunday Meme. And of course I love Bush Babe's work!

    I look forward to seeing yours, too. Bring 'em on!

